Membership rules & conditions

Code of Conduct: Members are expected to adhere to a high standard of conduct while in Empire Social Lounge premises. This includes respecting other members, lounge staff, and the facilities. Any behavior deemed inappropriate, disruptive, or disrespectful may result in the termination of membership.

Dress Code: Empire Social Lounge maintains a dress code of “smart casual.” Members and guests are required to dress in tasteful and stylish attire that reflects the relaxed yet sophisticated ambiance of the lounge. Smart casual attire is the minimum requirement, but members are encouraged to go beyond and make an impression with their style.

Reservation Policy: Members are encouraged to make reservations for lounge seating at Empire Social Lounge to ensure availability. Walk-in access may be limited based on lounge capacity. Priority may be given to members with reservations.

Guests: Members of Empire Social Lounge may bring guests to the lounge; however, they are responsible for their guests’ behavior and adherence to lounge rules. The lounge reserves the right to limit the number of guests per member and charge additional fees for guest access.

Personal Lockers: The lounge management reserves the right to inspect lockers for safety and compliance with lounge rules. Members are solely responsible for the contents of their lockers and should not store any prohibited items within them. Humidity and temperature are monitored by Empire Social Lounge daily.

Outside Alcohol Consumption: Outside spirits consumption is still strictly prohibited according to Florida State Law. We do allow members and guests to bring in one bottle of wine per reservation with a corkage fee applied for the wine service.

Outside Tobacco Consumption: While many cigar lounges do not allow outside tobacco or charge a cutting fee, at Empire Social Lounge, we understand that members and guests may want to enjoy a specialty or rare cigar that they have acquired. Therefore, members and guests are permitted to bring in their own tobacco products for personal consumption. However, we also encourage members and guests to support the lounge by purchasing cigars from our well-curated selection. If there is a particular cigar that members or guests would like to have in stock, we encourage them to communicate with the management, and every effort will be made to accommodate their requests.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Members of Empire Social Lounge are expected to respect the privacy and confidentiality of other lounge members. No solicitation or uninvited solicitation is permitted, and members are expected to refrain from engaging in unwanted commercial activities within the lounge. Organic networking is encouraged and part of the Empire Social Lounge culture but distasteful or unwanted solicitation is frowned upon.

Termination of Membership: The management of Empire Social Lounge reserves the right to terminate or suspend a membershipdue to violations of lounge rules, misconduct, failure to pay dues, or any other reason deemed necessary by the management.